Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 12, 2012

I wish that there were a way for me to reconcile the things that I have done in the past. A way to make right the wrong things that I've done and make better decisions than the ones my incomptetent self made in the past.

I dreamt of her last night. I wish there was a way for me to go back and make things right between us. It is not fair for her to be taken in such a horrible way.

I know it is not fair, but I always end up blaming myself for what happened. I know that I did not have a direct impact on what happened to her that day. But it seems that if I had done things correctly in the past and not treated her so poorly and showed her the love that I truely feel for her, that she would still be here today.

Everyday a thought of her races through my head. Songs now have a memory or an idea of her that makes me wish she were still here.

I will never forget you and I hope that you will forgive me for the many mistakes that I made.

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